Brian Peterson, nollie flip
nollie frontside flip
ollie to fakie
Carlos J, frontside big spin
CJ, nosegrind
frontside noseblunt
Colin, kickflip shove
Dante, 360 flip
Dustin, melan
Erik, kickflip front boardslide
Freddie Tan, kickflip crook
nollie big heelflip
switch heelflip
Jesse Gonzales, nollie inward heelflip
Joe, fakie frontside flip
Jon, 360
backside bluntslide
lien to tail
Koki, crail grab
Mike, caballerial
Shane, backside tailslide
nollie flip
CJ, crooked grind
last spot, second day of the trip. 30 heads!
group shot, take 2
I have always driven by this spot and wished i could shoot a trick on one of the ledges. We went to the spot saturday night, and while we are setting up equipment a security guard came out. not to worry, he just wanted to watch. and finish his beer.
Jon, gap to 50-50 gap into the street
Jon, 5-0 stall
Jon, wallie out of the ditch into the street
1 comment:
that's a productive weekend in gainesville if i've ever seen one.
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